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Monday, December 27, 2010

Musings on a Blizzard

Well, we survived the Blizzard of 2010, the day after Christmas.  The wind howled and the snow fell sideways a lot of the time.  It was grand and it was a little nerve-wracking.  The snow blower worked well this year (unlike last year when my husband first got it from a "friend"), we didn't lose the power - due partly, IMHO (in my humble opinion) to the candles & matches I had ready as well as a tub full of water so we could flush the toilet if the power went out.  I love well water though so living on The Edge is worth it!

Today the sun is out, my daughter & the dog are out playing in the snow and I cleaned the kitchen for the first time in days it seems.  The bread machine is cranking away, pork is cooking in the crockpot and I'm making very healthy carrots for dinner as well.  I just need to figure out a dessert to make all well in the world, well, in my little corner of the world. 

And that is where it all starts, isn't it?  If all is well on home base we can take just about anything that comes our way.  Is my life perfect?  Absolutely not - but parts of it are.  My daughters are healthy and happy; my husband has a job that he loves to go to each day; school is going well for me (yes, an old dog can be taught new tricks!) and, above all, I am happy.  There are many challenges - my mother is not well and, sadly, we think she's going around the bend mentally.  I believe we will be taking her car away from her this week which will undoubtedly be a terrible scene, but my bro, sis & I are all on the same page with this AND so is her doctor.  It is sad to watch a parent deteriorate.  I remember learning about Shakespeare's seventh stage of man in my english class in high school.  We go from being an infant to a child to a student to a soldier (and a couple of other steps I can't remember); but the seventh is we are a child again.  That is likely where Mom is headed.  This woman always prided herself on her intelligence - she could converse with the most learned and not sound like a dolt - and while a lot of what was long ago in her life is still fresh in her memory, the present is not. 

Lastly, I am thinking about the New Year and what it will bring.  I graduate in April - on to my new career as an esthetician (and the debacle of how to spell it...aesthetician or esthetician); my daughter will be getting her learner's permit and learning to drive (I might step up my drinking a bit to compensate, lol); we will begin looking at colleges and I am dedicating myself to better health with the first step of drinking more water each day. 

Life is Good.